TA的每日心情 | 无聊 2018-8-4 00:28 |
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CARICOM Secretary-General,Swingman Nike NBA Jerseys, Edwin W. Carrington, is in New York to participate in a high-level Retreat of Heads of Regional Organisations in Manhasset. The event is organised and hosted by United Nations Secretary-General,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Men, Ban Ki Moon.Over the past few years, the United Nations and regional and other organisations have developed a web of co-operative relationships in various areas,Air Max 97 White, including mediation, electoral matters, peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance. These relationships are a key response to a range of global and regional challenges and crises.The retreat is an opportunity for an intimate and high-level conversation among participating Organisations and Heads of the UN agencies to evaluate existing ties and new avenues for co-operation in response to emerging challenges and crises.Building upon the distinct needs, mandates and capacities of these Organisations,Cheap Adidas Superstar Shoes, the Retreat could constitute an informal forum for evaluating what has worked so far,Nike Tns Wholesale, and what future co-operation could be.Secretary-General Carrington is accompanied to the Retreat by the CARICOM Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Ambassador Noel Sinclair.Secretary-General Carrington will return to the region on Friday via Dominica where he will hold talks with CARICOM Chairman, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerritt.For these talks he will be accompanied by Dr. Edward Greene, CARICOM Assistant Secretary-General for Human and Social Development,2018 Nike Air Max 98, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque, CARICOM Assistant Secretary-General for Trade and Economic Integration and Assistant General Counsel Neville Bissember of the Office of the Secretary-General. |