标题: NFL Jerseys Cheap [打印本页] 作者: hQnikieics 时间: 2018-6-13 17:24 标题: NFL Jerseys Cheap During Tuesday’s session at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), bids were opened for the supply of power transformers for Port Kaituma,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, Region One and Mahdia,China Jerseys Wholesale, Region Eight under the Hinterland Electrification Unit,China Jerseys, Ministry of Public Infrastructure.BidderAmountCummings Electrical Co. Ltd$12.9MK&P Project Management Co.$7.3MTels Engineering Services$9.7MStandby Power Engineering$15.5MMassy Industries$14.8MSPR Enterprises$15.8MMachinery Corp of Guyana Ltd$28.7MThe Hardware Depot$13.6MS. Jagmohan Hardware Supplies and Construction Services$12MBrenco Shipping and Trading Co. Ltd$19.1MA&J General Contracting Services$35.1MToolsie Persaud Ltd$15MGafsons Industries Ltd$22.7MH. Nauth and Sons$14.3MPrems Electrical Store$20.7MKares Engineering$18.2MFix It Depot$10.7MBids were also opened for the alteration and renovation of the Bureau of Statistics’ concrete building located at 34 Main and Hope Streets,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Georgetown. The engineer’s estimate was $133,Adidas NHL Jerseys China,944,Cheap Jerseys From China,940.BidderAmountProject Design and Construction$119MSattaur Mohamed$150MJPM’s General Construction$122.7MIvor Allen$130.8MR. Basdeo and Sons Construction$131.2MJ.R Edmonson$120.8MNabi Construction$140.6MGarchand Sukdeo$132.7MO’Neil Jordan$112.4MFyffe Building and Construction$124MPD Contracting$123.8MH Nauth and Sons$127.8MCourtney Benn Contracting$133.7MCorreia and Correia Ltd$156.7MCDM Construction Inc.$125M